Results for 'Jannes E. Sirait'

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  1.  7
    Post-conservative: A proposal for theological polarisation in Indonesia.Jannes E. Sirait - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):7.
    Indonesia, as a country with rich diversity, faces a significant challenge in the form of polarisation, which occurs not only in the political sphere but also in religion and belief. In the context of Christian theological education in Indonesia, polarisation also occurs between conservative and liberal views. Conservatives adhere to literal interpretations and established doctrines, while liberals are more flexible and open to contextual interpretations. To address this polarisation, an approach that transcends both extremes is needed. This article proposes post-conservative (...)
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  2. The “psychiatric gaze”, delusional realities and paranoid atmospheres.Jann E. Schlimme - 2008 - Topos 18 (1):13-24.
  3.  34
    Temporal experience in recovery from psychosis.Jann E. Schlimme & Birgit Hase - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (2):335-348.
    During recovery from psychosis (diagnosed as schizophrenia) things must often be done slower than normally expected. The tempo of the socially shared reality is often experienced as being too fast for the recovering person. We will describe how this impairment stems from the pre-reflective mental structure underlying psychosis and how it can be transferred into an active skill supporting recovery, often including social retreat. In this paper, co-written by a psychiatrist and a person experienced in psychosis (= participatory health research), (...)
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  4. Addiction and self-determination: A phenomenological approach.Jann E. Schlimme - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 31 (1):49-62.
    In this article, I focus on possibly impaired self-determination in addiction. After some methodological reflections, I introduce a phenomenological description of the experience of being self-determined. I argue that being self-determined implies effectivity of agency regarding three different behavioural domains. Such self-referential agency shall be called ‘self-effectivity’ in this article. In a second step, I will use this phenomenological description to understand the impairments of self-determination in addiction. While addiction does not necessarily imply a basic lack of control over one’s (...)
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    Comments on Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed’s “a critical perspective on second-order empathy in understanding psychopathology: phenomenology and ethics”.Jann E. Schlimme, Osborne P. Wiggins & Michael A. Schwartz - 2015 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36 (2):117-120.
    Understanding the mental life of persons with psychosis/schizophrenia has been the crucial challenge of psychiatry since its origins, both for scientific models as well as for every therapeutic encounter between persons with and without psychosis/schizophrenia. Nonetheless, a preliminary understanding is always the first step of phenomenological as well as other qualitative research methods addressing persons with psychotic experiences in their life-world. In contrast to Rashed's assertions, in order to achieve such understanding, phenomenological psychopathologists need not necessarily adopt the transcendental-phenomenological attitude, (...)
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    Sense of self-determination and the suicidal experience. A phenomenological approach.Jann E. Schlimme - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (2):211-223.
    In this paper phenomenological descriptions of the experiential structures of suicidality and of self-determined behaviour are given; an understanding of the possible scopes and forms of lived self-determination in suicidal mental life is offered. Two possible limits of lived self-determination are described: suicide is always experienced as minimally self-determined, because it is the last active and effective behaviour, even in blackest despair; suicide can never be experienced as fully self-determined, even if valued as the authentic thing to do, because no (...)
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  7. Lived autonomy and chronic mental illness: a phenomenological approach.Jann E. Schlimme - 2012 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 33 (6):387-404.
    In this paper, I develop a phenomenological description of lived autonomy and describe possible alterations of lived autonomy associated with chronic depression as they relate to specific psychopathological symptoms. I will distinguish between two types of lived autonomy, a pre-reflective type and a reflective type, which differ with respect to the explicitness of the action that is willed into existence; and I will relate these types to the classical distinction between freedom of intentional action and freedom of the will. I (...)
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  8.  97
    Is acting on delusions autonomous?Jann E. Schlimme - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8:14.
    In this paper the question of autonomy in delusional disorders is investigated using a phenomenological approach. I refer to the distinction between freedom of intentional action, and freedom of the will, and develop phenomenological descriptions of lived autonomy, taking into account the distinction between a pre-reflective and a reflective type. Drawing on a case report, I deliver finely-grained phenomenological descriptions of lived autonomy and experienced self-determination when acting on delusions. This analysis seeks to demonstrate that a person with delusions can (...)
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  9.  75
    Depressive Habituality and Altered Valuings. The Phenomenology of Depressed Mental Life.Jann E. Schlimme - 2013 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 44 (1):92-118.
    Phenomenological descriptions of depressed mental life offer a profound understanding of depression from the first-person perspective. In this paper, such descriptions are developed by drawing on the work by Ludwig Binswanger and on the autobiographical report of depression by Piet C. Kuiper . I will argue that Binswanger’s central claim in his phenomenological description of the depressed state of mind fails due to crucial misunderstandings of Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology. Nonetheless, by drawing on Kuiper’s first-hand account, I will develop a phenomenological (...)
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    New Perspectives on the Divide Between National and International Law.Janne E. Nijman (ed.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book aims to contribute to our understanding of one of the most pressing issues of modern international law: the relationship between the international legal order on the one hand and the domestic legal orders of over 190 sovereign states on the other handThe traditional and dominant understanding of this relationship is that there exists a strict separation between the international legal order and domestic legal orders. Processes of legal globalisation and internationalisation have made this relationship much more complex. Legal (...)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Hugo Grotius.Randall Lesaffer & Janne E. Nijman (eds.) - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge Companion to Grotius offers a comprehensive overview of Hugo Grotius for students, teachers, and general readers, while its chapters also draw upon and contribute to recent specialised discussions of Grotius' oeuvre and its later reception. Contributors to this volume cover the width and breadth of Grotius' work and thought, ranging from his literary work, including his historical, theological and political writing, to his seminal legal interventions. While giving these various fields a separate treatment, the book also delves into (...)
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  12.  75
    Paranoid atmospheres: Psychiatric knowledge and delusional realities. [REVIEW]Jann E. Schlimme - 2009 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 4:1-12.
    In this paper I investigate the topic of paranoid atmospheres. This subject is especially of interest with respect to persons who are deluded, and also, I will demonstrate, sheds light upon the psychiatrist's "gaze" and knowledge of delusions. In my argument I will follow a path initially outlined by Karl Jaspers (1883-1969): modern psychiatric diagnosis of delusions is a diagnosis of form and not content. Jaspers' emphasis on the form of delusions enables psychiatrists to be self-critical about their professional knowledge (...)
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    The Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity in Jaspers and Husserl: On the Capacities and Limits of Empathy and Communication in Psychiatric Praxis.Sebastian Luft & Jann E. Schlimme - 2013 - Psychopathology 46 (5):345-354.
    In this article, we present two accounts of intersubjectivity in Jaspers and Husserl, respectively. We argue that both can be brought together for a more satisfying account of empathy and communication in the context of psychiatric praxis. But while we restrict ourselves for the most part to this praxis, we also indicate the larger agenda that drives Jaspers and Husserl, despite all disagreement. Here we spell out, in particular, how a phenomenologically inspired account of empathy and intersubjectivity can have larger (...)
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  14. La Pragmatologie.E. Dupréel & H. Janne - 1959 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 149:263-263.
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  15.  44
    Lonely adolescents exhibit heightened sensitivity for facial cues of emotion.Janne Vanhalst, Brandon E. Gibb & Mitchell J. Prinstein - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (2).
  16.  20
    Beyond loss: An essay about presence and sparkling moments based on observations from life coexisting with a person living with dementia.Janne B. Damsgaard, Jette Lauritzen, Charlotte Delmar & Monica E. Kvande - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (1):e12425.
    This is an essay based on a story with observations, about present and sparkling moments from everyday life coexisting with a mother living with dementia. The story is used to begin philosophical underpinnings reflecting on ‘how it could be otherwise’. Dementia deploys brutal existential experiences such as cognitive deterioration, decline in mental functioning and often hurtful social judgements. The person living with dementia goes through transformation and changes of self. Cognitive decline progressively disrupts the foundations upon which social connectedness is (...)
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    Minimal Distance to Approximating Noncontextual System as a Measure of Contextuality.Janne V. Kujala - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (7):911-932.
    Let random vectors \ represent joint measurements of certain subsets \ of properties\ in different contexts\. Such a system is traditionally called noncontextual if there exists a jointly distributed set \ of random variables such that \ has the same distribution as \ for all \ A trivial necessary condition for noncontextuality and a precondition for many measures of contextuality is that the system is consistently connected, i.e., all \ measuring the same property \ have the same distribution. The contextuality-by-default (...)
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  18.  31
    Person‐specific evidence has the ability to mobilize relational capacity: A four‐step grounded theory developed in people with long‐term health conditions.Vibeke Zoffmann, Rikke Jørgensen, Marit Graue, Sigrid Normann Biener, Anna Lena Brorsson, Cecilie Holm Christiansen, Mette Due-Christensen, Helle Enggaard, Jeanette Finderup, Josephine Haas, Gitte Reventlov Husted, Maja Tornøe Johansen, Katja Lisa Kanne, Beate-Christin Hope Kolltveit, Katrine Wegmann Krogslund, Silje S. Lie, Anna Olinder Lindholm, Emilie H. S. Marqvorsen, Anne Sophie Mathiesen, Mette Linnet Olesen, Bodil Rasmussen, Mette Juel Rothmann, Susan Munch Simonsen, Sara Huld Sveinsdóttir Tackie, Lise Bjerrum Thisted, Trang Minh Tran, Janne Weis & Marit Kirkevold - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (3):e12555.
    Person‐specific evidence was developed as a grounded theory by analyzing 20 selected case descriptions from interventions using the guided self‐determination method with people with various long‐term health conditions. It explains the mechanisms of mobilizing relational capacity by including person‐specific evidence in shared decision‐making. Person‐specific self‐insight was the first step, achieved as individuals completed reflection sheets enabling them to clarify their personal values and identify actions or omissions related to self‐management challenges. This step paved the way for sharing these insights and (...)
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  19. No-Forcing and No-Matching Theorems for Classical Probability Applied to Quantum Mechanics.Ehtibar N. Dzhafarov & Janne V. Kujala - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (3):248-265.
    Correlations of spins in a system of entangled particles are inconsistent with Kolmogorov’s probability theory (KPT), provided the system is assumed to be non-contextual. In the Alice–Bob EPR paradigm, non-contextuality means that the identity of Alice’s spin (i.e., the probability space on which it is defined as a random variable) is determined only by the axis $\alpha _{i}$ chosen by Alice, irrespective of Bob’s axis $\beta _{j}$ (and vice versa). Here, we study contextual KPT models, with two properties: (1) Alice’s (...)
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    Quantum Non-Gravity and Stellar Collapse.C. Barceló, L. J. Garay & G. Jannes - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (9):1532-1541.
    Observational indications combined with analyses of analogue and emergent gravity in condensed matter systems support the possibility that there might be two distinct energy scales related to quantum gravity: the scale that sets the onset of quantum gravitational effects $E_{\rm B}$ (related to the Planck scale) and the much higher scale $E_{\rm L}$ signalling the breaking of Lorentz symmetry. We suggest a natural interpretation for these two scales: $E_{\rm L}$ is the energy scale below which a special relativistic spacetime emerges, (...)
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    Did Teddy Bears Culturally Evolve to Be Cuter? A Preregistered Replication.Quentin Borredon, Zeynep Bulamac, Camélia Crozat, Emmanuel Dayre, Estelle Fuchs, Marie Hallo, Lou Kerzreho, Pauline Lavagne D’Ortigue, Theodore Lellouche, Hossein Samani, Sammy Penel, Nina Ryszefld, Tavleen Sandhu, Aure Timsit, Janne Yrjö-Koskinen, Olivier Morin & Edgar Dubourg - 2025 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 25 (1-2):114-127.
    This pre-registered replication study explores the impact of perceived cuteness on the evolution of cultural artifacts, testing whether neotenic traits – eye size, forehead height, and head roundness – have increased in teddy bears over time. In previous research, Hinde & Barden (1980) found an increase in teddy bear neoteny while Gould (1985) found that Mickey Mouse’s features became more neotenic with time. However, both studies lacked statistical power (15 teddy bears and 3 Mickey Mouse drawings). We collected data from (...)
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    The bma covid-19 ethical guidance: A legal analysis.Llm James E. Hurford Llb - 2020 - The New Bioethics 26 (2):176-189.
    The paper considers the recently published British Medical Association Guidance on ethical issues arising in relation to rationing of treatment during the COVID-19 Pandemic. It considers whether it...
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  23. Gilles Deleuze e la pittura.E. Castelli Gattinara - 1987 - Rivista di Estetica 27 (25):124-133.
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  24. Every Day, Thoughts on the G.F.S. Ruler of Life [by E. Welby, Ed by E.H.T.].Ella Welby & H. T. E. - 1895
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  25. Li Shih-tsʻên chʻing pien wan yen shu.Wan-chʻêng Hsü - 1964
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    Polygons and Parabolas: Some Problems Concerning the Dynamics of Planetary Orbits.E. J. Aiton - 1988 - Centaurus 31 (3):207-221.
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  27. Oriyanut historit ṿe-tipuaḥ ha-biḳortiyut.Oded E. Schremer - 2004 - Ramat Gan: Universiṭat Bar-Ilan.
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    Galileo's theory of the tides.E. J. Aiton - 1954 - Annals of Science 10 (1):44-57.
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    a) France. Î402 E. Babut. Une journée au district des Cordeliers, le 22 janvier 1790.—.Î402 E. Babut - 1903 - Revue D’Histoire Ecclésiastique 4:146.
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    Economic Essays by David Ricardo.E. C. K. Gonner (ed.) - 2014 - Routledge.
    David Ricardo was a hugely influential British political economist and stock trader. This volume, first published in 1923, contains five important pamphlets published by him, edited and with an overarching introductory essay by E. C. K. Gonner. Each essay relates either to monetary and financial subjects - including the high price of Bullion, monetary theory and the position of the Bank of England - or to the agricultural conditions of Britain and proposed solutions to the problems discussed. This is a (...)
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    The Date of Ctesibius.E. J. A. Kenny - 1932 - Classical Quarterly 26 (3-4):190-.
    Tsc question of the date of Ctesibius has been much obscured of late years by those German scholars1 who assert that Ctesibius the pneumatic and hydraulic engineer mentioned by Vitruvius IX. 8. 2 is distinct and separate from Κτησίβιος Κτησίβιος μηΧανικός who is mentioned by Athenaeus Mechanicus , Philo of Byzantium , and Hedylus ap. Athenaeum Naucratitam Deipn. XI., p. 497, d-e = Anthologia Graeca ed. Cougny, Paris , 1890, Vol. III., p. 298, n. 67.
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    Zari︠a︡ astrologii: zodiak trogloditov, Luna, Solnt︠s︡e i "bluzhdai︠u︡shchie zvezdy".V. E. Larichev - 1999 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo In-ta arkheologii i ėtnografii SO RAN. Edited by V. I. Molodin.
  33.  1
    Il problema dei valori: l'etica di G.E. Moore.Giulio Preti & G. E. Moore - 1986 - Franco Angeli.
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  34.  11
    Public Philosophy and Political Science: Crisis and Reflection.E. Robert Statham (ed.) - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    The crisis of western civilization is a crisis of public philosophy. This is the charge of Public Philosophy and Political Science, a stunning new collection of essays edited by E. Robert Statham Jr. Vividly cataloging the decay of the moral and intellectual foundations of civic liberty, the book portrays a generation of Americans alienated from institutions built on public philosophy. The work exposes the failure of America's political scientists to acknowledge and understand this alarming crisis in the American body politic. (...)
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    (1 other version)Politics and Ideology.Lene Aarøe - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (1):145-148.
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    Psychological parerga: psychogalvanism in the observation of stuporous conditions.E. S. Abbot & F. L. Wells - 1919 - Psychological Review 26 (5):360-365.
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  37. Life After Death: What Hopes?E. W. Adams - 1942 - Hibbert Journal 41:218.
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  38.  66
    Mental causality.E. M. Adams - 1966 - Mind 75 (300):552-563.
  39.  35
    Medical technology assessment and the role of economic evaluation in health care.E. M. M. Adang, A. Ament & C. D. Dirksen - 1996 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2 (4):287-294.
  40.  60
    Perception and the language of appearing.E. M. Adams - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (16):683-690.
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    Philosophy and the modern mind: A defense.E. M. Adams - 1978 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 16 (4):405-413.
  42.  99
    The Future of the Philosophy of Mind.E. M. Adams - 1965 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):38-44.
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  43.  37
    Science and Morality.A. E. Taylor - 1939 - Philosophy 14 (53):24 - 45.
    Can there be such a thing as moral science, or a science of morality? And if so, what sense has the word science in such a connection? In the middle of the last century such a question would probably have seemed superfluous. Utilitarians, Comtists, and not a few “evolutionists” would all have claimed to be moralists, with this advantage over the metaphysical or theological moralists of an earlier day that their own moral doctrines were “scientific”.
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  44. Antichnyĭ gnostit︠s︡izm: Fragmenty i svidetelʹstva.E. V. Afonasin - 2002 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Olega Abyshko.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ Klimenta Aleksandriĭskogo.E. V. Afonasin - 1997 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo NII matematiko-informat︠s︡ionnykh osnov obuchenii︠a︡ Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.
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  46. Bilancio dell'empirismo contemporaneo nel campo delle scienze esatte.E. Agazzi - 1973 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 65:219.
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  47. Das Alltägliche in der von der Wissenschaft geprägten Kultur unserer Zeit.E. Agazzi - 1981 - Studia Philosophica 40:27.
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  48.  48
    Ideas in theoretical biology.E. Ahmed - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (2):167-168.
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  49.  25
    Dialogue concerning the Two Chief World SystemsGalileo Galilei Stillman Drake.E. Aiton - 1968 - Isis 59 (2):235-236.
  50.  16
    The Essential LeibnizSa̋mtliche Schriften und Briefe. Dritte Reihe: Mathematischer, Naturwissenschaftlicher und Technischer BriefwechselGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Leibniz-Archiv der Niedersa̋chsischen Landesbibliothek.E. J. Aiton - 1977 - Isis 68 (3):452-453.
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